McGill University
Juliet Johnson’s research focuses on the politics of money and identity, particularly in post-communist Europe. She is McGill Director of the Jean Monnet Centre Montréal, a bilingual centre of European Union studies jointly founded by McGill University and the Université de Montréal. She is the author of Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World (Cornell 2016) and A Fistful of Rubles: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Banking System (Cornell 2000), lead editor of Religion and Identity in Modern Russia: The Revival of Orthodoxy and Islam (Ashgate 2005), and author of numerous scholarly and policy-oriented articles, including in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Comparative Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy, the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Social and Cultural Geography, Post-Soviet Affairs, Central Banking, and Review of International Political Economy, among others. For many years she was editor-in-chief and co-editor of Review of International Political Economy; she currently serves on its International Advisory Board. She is a member of PONARS Eurasia, and has been an Advisory Council member for the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, a Research Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, and the A. John Bittson National Fellow at the Hoover Institution. At McGill, she has served as Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) for the Faculty of Arts, as an elected member of the McGill University Board of Governors, and won the Faculty’s H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Distinguished Teaching. She received her PhD and MA in Politics from Princeton University and her AB in International Relations from Stanford University.
Email: juliet.johnson [at] mcgill.ca
University Website
Personal Website
Twitter: @excubs
Recent publications
Dóra Piroska, Yuliya Gorelkina, and Juliet Johnson, “Macroprudential Policy on an Uneven Playing Field: Supranational Regulation and Domestic Politics in the EU’s Dependent Market Economies,” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 59:3 (2021): 497-517.
Juliet Johnson and Olga Malinova, “Символическая политика как предмет political science и Russian studies: Исследования политического использования прошлого в постсоветской России [Symbolic politics in political science and Russian studies: Research on the political uses of the past in post-Soviet Russia],” Политическая наука [Political Science] 2 (2020): 15-41.
Juliet Johnson, Vincent Arel-Bundock, and Vladislav Portniaguine, “Adding Rooms onto a House We Love: Central Banking after the Global Financial Crisis,” Public Administration, 97:3 (2019): 546-560.
Benjamin Forest and Juliet Johnson, “Confederate Monuments and the Problem of Forgetting,” Cultural Geographies, 26:1 (2019): 127-131.
Juliet Johnson and David Woodruff, “Currency Crises in Post-Soviet Russia,” Russian Review, 76:4 (2017): 612-634.
Juliet Johnson and Seçkin Köstem, “Frustrated Leadership: Russia’s Economic Alternative to the West,” Global Policy 7:2 (2016): 207-16.
Juliet Johnson and Andrew Barnes, “Financial Nationalism and its International Enablers: The Hungarian Experience,” Review of International Political Economy 22:3 (2015): 535-569.
Juliet Johnson, Daniel Mügge, Leonard Seabrooke, Cornelia Woll, Ilene Grabel, and Kevin P. Gallagher, “The Future of International Political Economy: Introduction to the 20th Anniversary Issue of RIPE,” Review of International Political Economy 20:4 (2013): 1009-1023.
Benjamin Forest and Juliet Johnson, “Security and Atonement: Controlling Access to the World Trade Center Memorial,” Cultural Geographies 20:3 (2013): 405-411.
Benjamin Forest and Juliet Johnson, “Monumental Politics: Regime Type and Public Memory in Post-Communist States,” Post-Soviet Affairs 27:3 (2011): 269-288.
Rachel Epstein and Juliet Johnson, “Uneven Integration: Economic and Monetary Union in Central and Eastern Europe,” Journal of Common Market Studies 48:5 (2010): 1237-1260.