Russian Soft Power in the 21st Century: An Examination of Russian Compatriot Policy in Estonia
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Mobilizing Compatriots: Russia’s Strategy, Tactics, and Influence in the Former Soviet Union
Vera Zakem, Paul Saunders, and Daniel Antoun
The Russian Population in Latvia – Puppets of Moscow?
Tomas Malmlof for the Swedish Defence Research Agency
Policy Briefs
“A Strategy for Russia” – Russian Foreign Policy and Global Positioning in the Next Decade”
EU Frontiers Publications Series / Center for European Neighborhood Studies
Zsuzsa Csergő discusses Vladimir Putin’s announcement that he will run for re-election to the Russian presidency on the Simi Sara Show (News Talk 980 CKNW, Vancouver). Listen here.
Virginie Lasnier wrote an Op-Ed for Le Devoir in December 2018, entitled “Ukraine-Russie: les leçons à retenir de l’incident de Kertch”. Find it here.
BEAR Glasgow Multi-Methods Workshop Resources
Victor Asal, et. al. (2018) “Mini-Games for Teaching Political Science Methodology.” American Political Science Association, 1-4.
Victor Asal (2005) “Playing Games with International Relations.” International Studies Perspectives 6: 359–373.
Delia Baldassarri & Mario Diani (2007) “The Integrative Power of Civic Networks.” American Journal of Sociology 113 (3): 735–80.
Christopher Barrie & Neil Ketchley (2018) “Opportunity without Organization: Labor Mobilization in Egypt after the 25th January Revolution.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 23(2): 181-202.
Skyler J. Cranmer, et. al. (2017) “Navigating the Range of Statistical Tools for Inferential Network Analysis.”American Journal of Political Science 61(1): 237–251.
Tijen Demirel-Pegg (2014) “From the Streets to the Mountains: The Dynamics of Transition from a Protest Wave to an Insurgency in Kashmir.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 19(3): 309-327.
Philip Leifeld (2018) “Polarization in the social sciences: Assortative mixing in social science collaboration networks is resilient to interventions.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 507: 510-523.
Philip Leifeld & Karin Ingold (2015) “Co-authorship Networks in Swiss Political Research.” Swiss Political Science Review 22(2): 264–287.
Charles Tilly (2002) “Event Catalogs as Theories”. Sociological Theory 20(2): 248-254.
Joseph K. Young (2006) “Simulating Two-Level Negotiations” International Studies Perspectives 7: 77–82.
Latvia and Estonia Undergraduate Field Trip Resources
Ammon Cheskin (2015) “Identity and Integration of Russian Speakers in the Baltic States: A Framework for Analysis.” Ethnopolitics 14(1): 72-93.
Alena Pfoser (2018) “Narratives of peripheralisation: Place, agency and generational cohorts in post-industrial Estonia.” European Urban and Regional Studies 25(4): 391-404.
Aro Velmet (2011). “Occupied Identities: National Narratives in Baltic Museums of Occupations.” Journal of Baltic Studies 42(2): 189-211.